Starting a business is HARD
I’ve wanted to have my own store since forever. From the outside world it seems so easy. Buy some cute products, advertise on social media, and suddenly you’re a self made millionaire. Not true!
To start any business in the great state of NY you basically have to give them your first born child. Once all of the legal stuff is done, you then have to find manufacturers, wholesalers, find out how to ship your product, how to advertise, and then the best part: attempt to create your own website! What!!?! I am mostly technologically uninclined. This has been such a learning expirence for me. It’s been amazing. AND it’s just the beginning.
Everything I sell I pick myself. All excellent quality and if it lives up to my standards (which is hard, just ask my husband) I will then sell it here.
I hope you enjoy everything as much as I do!
Much love-